Monday, 20 May 2019

WATER THE SOURCE OF LIFE - performance in Szkoła Podstawowa nr 11 in Przemyśl

Pupils were singing songs and reciting poems about water as a source of life. They were telling their colleagues how important water is for us and how should we look after it. One of the song " The World without the Water"  is recorded and published below. 

 Song translated by Martyna Masiak pupil of Szkoła Podstawowa nr 11 in Przemyśl 

Those who waste water forget,
That perhaps there will be a time
When there's no water anymore
And nothing will help
Not prayers, not spells,
Not magic, not threats,
If the water vanishes, so will the life
And pleading won't help either


When all the springs dry,
When the rivers are gone,
No birds will fly,
No fish will swim,
No trees will grow,
And no human will live.
The Earth will be a desert
With nothing, but silence in it.


The world is dead without water
No trees, no flowers or bugs
Where the wind will dry up everything
The sun will burn it in seconds
It's time to repeat the truth
And make the discovery again
That there's no way to live without water
Water – it's life, basically


When all the springs dry,
When the rivers are gone,
No birds will fly,
No fish will swim,
No trees will grow,
And no human will live.
The Earth will be a desert
With nothing, but silence in it.