Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Our new Mascot and Logo

The votes for our mascot and logo have all been counted and the chosen designs both came from Taormina. Congratulations to the successful designers.

Our Mascot is called Droppy

And this is the Logo

Monday, 3 December 2018

logo and mascot: the choise. 

The students of Taormina's school vote their favorite logo and mascot

Sunday, 2 December 2018

Spanish pupils on the radio.

Resultado de imagen de radio torredonjimeno

Last week, Torredonjimeno's students recorded two interviews for the local radio. They were talking about their experiences in our first meeting in Przemysl.

Click on the image to access to the information.

Click here to listen to the radio programme. (From minute 12 aprox.)